Good Friday Office of Readings
The office of readings for Good Friday will feature readings and music by Victoria and Anerio. All are welcome to join us.
The office of readings for Good Friday will feature readings and music by Victoria and Anerio. All are welcome to join us.
At this service the Passion will be sung, followed by Communion and Veneration of the Cross. All are welcome to attend.
On the final day of the Triduum our Youth Choir will sing psalms, readings and hymns as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection. All are welcome to join us.
Join us as we mark the beginning of Easter. During this service the Paschal Candle will be lit, and a number of adults will be baptised into the Church. Our celebrant will be Archbishop Malcom McMahon. All are welcome to attend.
Join us for one of the most important Masses of the liturgical year as we come together to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. All are welcome to attend.
Join us for one of the most important Masses of the liturgical year as we come together to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. All are welcome to attend.
Join us for one of the most important Masses of the liturgical year as we come together to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. All are welcome to attend. For those who cannot attend in-person, this Mass will also be streamed live on our YouTube channel. The service sheet is available to view here.
We welcome the Canons of the Cathedral Chapter as they gather to celebrate the Eucharist at 12.15pm. Please note, the 12.15 Mass will be transferred to the Cathedral on this date. All are welcome to attend.
A mass of thanksgiving for the huge fundraising efforts of school children who raise money throughout Lent, in support of the Good Shepherd Fund.