The recruitment process for boy and girl choristers each year takes place in the Spring & Summer term.
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Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral currently has a pool of around 30 adult singers (known as Lay Clerks) who regularly sing the alto, tenor and bass parts alongside the boy or girl choristers. Additionally, there are occasional opportunities for adult sopranos.
Enquiries are welcomed from singers who have experience of singing in a professional-standard choral ensemble and a high degree of accurate sight-singing.
For an information pack, please complete this form.
The Metropolitan Cathedral Youth Choir consists of former choristers and other young singers aged 14-21. The choir sings for Mass in the Cathedral on a Monday during choir term, participates in other important events in the Cathedral and has regular opportunities for broadcasting.
Enquiries are welcomed from singers aged 14-21 in any voice part who can read music well, and aspire to sing in a professional-standard choral ensemble.
For an information pack, please complete this form.