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The Lutyens Crypt & Treasury

The beautiful brickwork and vaulted ceilings of Lutyens’ Crypt offer clues to the blueprint of Edwin Lutyens’ grand designs.

Visit our Cathedral and, beneath your feet lies a unique opportunity to view one of the city’s greatest architectural gems. The Lutyens’ Crypt is no ordinary cathedral crypt; to many in the city this is Liverpool’s third cathedral, a secret spiritual space.

Following a generous grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, you can now explore the fascinating story behind this extraordinary building in our new permanent exhibition.

The Crypt is all that remains of an earlier Cathedral for Liverpool, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens in the 1930’s. Lutyens’ Cathedral was to have a dome bigger than St Peter’s Basilica in Rome – but plans faltered when funds proved hard to find after the second world war.

The Crypt reveals the scale of Lutyens’ ambition. But, more than just a glimpse at what might have been, it’s a beautiful, atmospheric space in its own right.

The deep purple bricks (all six million of them) and enormous granite dressings hewn from Cornish quarries were chosen to take the weight of the cathedral above. Now, they line vaulted passageways, cool side chapels, graceful halls and concert room.

Within the Crypt, you’ll also discover the Treasury, which contains a dazzling collection of sacred vessels and vestments, all of which are on display and available to view.

The Lutyens Crypt is open between 10.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Saturday (last visit at 3.30pm). Admission is £5 per person, or £12 for a family ticket. Tickets can be obtained from the Cathedral welcome desk.

Events, Services and Venue Hire

The Lutyens Crypt can also be hired for private corporate events, such as dinners, conferences and awards ceremonies. For further information, please email