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The Dean’s Weekly Message – 9th June 2024 Posted on Saturday 8 June 2024

Let Us Remember Them

Driving back through France last week after a family holiday, we came across a considerable number of old military vehicles on the road and only realised they were heading up to Normandy for the Anniversary D Day landings as we came near the port of Calais. It was quite a logistical challenge to get all the O’Brien family to France – I find it hard to imagine quite how the allied forces managed to coordinate such an operation moving 160,000 troops in the first landings on D Day 80 years ago. So many lost their lives to bring about a major shift in the allied progress in the Second World War. We remember all who lost their lives during the landings – both soldiers from many nations and French civilians. As we remember the sacrifice made by so many we pray for an end to the conflicts in our world today.

We welcome a considerable number of visiting young children and their families who will be attending the Solemn Mass and Evening Prayer today. They will be here for an experience of what it is like to be a chorister at the Cathedral to help them to appreciate what is involved in singing in the choir at our Cathedral before they come for their individual auditions which will run throughout the coming week. Thankfully I don’t have to get involved in the auditions but have noticed over the years that it is the parents who are often more nervous than the child when they come for the audition hoping their child will do their best.

I am pleased to report that there has finally been some progress made regarding the new welcome building to replace the Piazza Café and shop. This week there will be an important design team meeting to agree the specifications and functions needed within the new building. There are so many factors that will need to be taken into consideration within the final plans such as sustainability, accessibility, energy efficiency as well as overall costings. This may sound like just a small first step but I think we should begin to see progress and activity on site for some minor works pretty soon followed by submissions of plans to the relevant authorities to begin the lengthy process of creating a new welcome and hospitality area for the Cathedral. We will provide information on developments as progress is made.

On Wednesday Evening the 5pm Evening Mass will be offered for the Cathedral Friends and deceased members. This will be followed by the Friends Annual General Meeting in the Gibberd Room.

Canon Anthony O’Brien
Cathedral Dean