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The Dean’s Weekly Message – 25th July 2021 Posted on Saturday 24 July 2021


During the course of August we are taking a few cautious steps to return to normal procedures within the Cathedral. We are still asking all our visitors and parishioners to wear face coverings within the building. Most of the distancing arrangements for seating have been removed but we have kept one area of the Cathedral with these controls still in place for those who would feel safer sitting in this area. However there is plenty of room for the congregation to continue to spread around the Cathedral rather than congregating in certain areas. Communion will now be at the appropriate time in the mass straight after the priests have received communion. We returned to this practice at weekday masses last week and for the first two days half the congregation went out straight away thinking that was the end of mass instead of waiting for the final prayers and blessing – we very easily get into a new routine and it takes a few weeks to return back to our normal ways. We will also be returning to having a collection during mass from 31st July/1st August.


A note from the Archbishop and Synod Co-Ordinators

Synod 2020 Update

After all the Synod votes were counted and considered the next step was a meeting with the Archbishop, his council and the Pastoral Plan Group. This took place at the Pastoral Centre of the Leeds Diocese for 5 days from July 12th.

During this week the votes on the 19 Recommendations took centre stage. These votes, the Synod Themes and the 27,000 contributions of the listening stage were allowed to direct and speak to the development of ideas for  the  pastoral plan.   Alongside  this the prayer and liturgy of each day inspired our thoughts and plans. At the centre of this was Christ himself whose light was shed on our Synod and on the realities of the world in which we are called to minister and live.

It was a hard week but one full of life and energy. By the Thursday a way forward was beginning to emerge. It is challenging but also life giving and most of all faithful to Christ experienced through the discernment that has been our pattern of working throughout the whole synod journey.

The ideas, and there were many of them, have surfaced. The next stage is for a writing group to gather (for a week) and to try to present what has emerged in a way that we can put it into place and make a difference. The Archbishop and his council will review the Plan; the Pastoral Plan Group will meet again for 3 days in September and then we will work out how to rollout the Plan towards it being shared at the end of November.

We will keep updating you as steps emerge.


Please note that the Cathedral Mass for the next two Fridays will be at 10am, due to wedding services taking place later.

Canon Anthony O’Brien       Cathedral Dean