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The Dean’s Weekly Message – 21st July 2024 Posted on Saturday 20 July 2024

Thank You

There was almost a full Cathedral for the ordination of the four new priests for our Diocese last Saturday. We offer our congratulations to Frs Peter Ross, James Finnegan, Martin Fyles and Lister Tong may they be blest and happy in their future priestly ministries. I’m grateful to all involved who contributed to making this such a memorable and dignified service. Also during the course of this last week we have had about 30,000 people attending graduation ceremonies within our Cathedral. Neither the ordinations nor the graduations would not have taken place so beautifully and effectively without the involvement and team work of our key volunteers and Cathedral Staff and it is thanks to all concerned that we have had such complimentary compliments from those who have taken part and that everything has gone well.

Now that the schools have broken up and the Lourdes Pilgrims have left for France my hope is that we will have a quieter and less hectic period in the Cathedral for the next few weeks. So that we can enjoy an event free period and make the most of the daily rhythm of the liturgy.

Canon Anthony O’Brien
Cathedral Dean