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Solemn Mass for Peace Sunday


Sunday 14th January 2024, 11.00am - 12.15pm

Peace Sunday, 14th January 2024  Mass and Lecture

Join Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP and Pax Christi Merseyside for Solemn Mass at 11am to mark Peace Sunday.  For resources for parishes and schools for Peace Sunday, contact

You are also invited to the Liverpool Archdiocese Justice and Peace commission’s annual memorial lecture in the Gibberd Room at the Metropolitan Cathedral.  Andrew Jackson, CEO of Pax Christi England and Wales, will speak on The challenges of non-violence in 2024: being non-violent in a violent world.’   Tea and coffee will be available in the Gibberd Room  after Mass and before the Lecture, which begins at 1.30pm.

For more details contact

For those who cannot attend in person, this Mass will also be streamed live on our YouTube channel. Readings for this week are available here.