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Be a Chorister for a Day


Sunday 11th June 2023, 1.15pm - 3.45pm

Our ‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ event is an opportunity for children to experience a day in the life of a Cathedral Chorister. It will include the thrill of singing in the largest Catholic church in the UK, games time with the choristers and vocal workshops to improve singing.

There will be a chance to meet senior music staff along with current choristers and their parents.

‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ will be led by Dr Christopher McElroy, Cathedral Director of Music and is an ideal opportunity to explore what being a cathedral chorister is all about.

There is no charge for the day. Children should bring a packed lunch with them. A parent/carer should remain at the Cathedral with their child throughout the day.

More details of our chorister recruitment cycle can be found here.

To register your place (available on a first-come, first-served basis), please email