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ACN Portraits of Faith Art Exhibition

Gibberd Room

10.00am - 4.00pm

This exhibition, organised by Aid to the Church in Need, is inspired by the Syrian conflict and will include drawings by Syrian children of all faiths sharing their experiences of their homeland with you.

There will also be artwork from Farid Georges, a Syrian Orthodox painter from Homs, chronicling the destruction of his beloved city. Hand-made table linens by lace-makers from Aleppo, who often work for hours by candlelight in war-torn Aleppo, will also be displayed.

Alongside this work, the exhibition will include photographs from ACN’s extensive archives revealing the people and places devastated by the Syrian conflict.

Information banners will guide you through the history of Christianity in Syria, the current living conditions for Syrian people and how benefactors like you are making such a difference to their lives.